With one year to go until the UK leaves the European Union, Global By Design 2018 makes an urgent call for the UK Government to ensure that the UK’s architecture sector can continue to be globally successful.
Containing the second year’s results from the most comprehensive survey of architects on Brexit, Global By Design 2018 shows that the profession sees both risks and opportunities ahead. With a year until the UK leaves the European Union, UK architects report growing concern about the lack of clarity on issues most important to them – low barriers to accessing the European market, training and retaining a highly-skilled domestic and international workforce, and measures to ensure that the wider construction sector remains strong.

However, the result of the Brexit survey also shows that architecture is an innovative, dynamic and outward-facing profession, that with the right support from policy-makers can continue to adapt to the economic, technological and social changes which will define the 21st century.
In order to ensure the success of the UK's globally successful architecture sector, the RIBA's Global By Design 2018 calls on UK Government to:
- support new global deals, with standards and professionalism at their heart
- support growth in the UK’s export of architecture
- create a new, holistic approach to skills and immigration in architecture
- enable the construction sector to deliver for UK communities