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General Election 2024 guidance for RIBA Members and the pre-election ‘purdah’ period

On Thursday 4 July 2024, voters across the UK will take to the polls to vote in the General Election. 

Ahead of the elections there is a pre-election period also known as 'purdah'. During this time, ministers and civil servants should ensure public money is not used for party political purposes or for election campaigning. 

London's Big Ben with Union flag overlay

What does this mean for RIBA and its representatives?  

Charitable organisations (like RIBA) must take special care to ensure political neutrality.   

Election guidance from the UK Government’s Charity Commission states:  

“A charity must never indicate to its supporters which candidate to support in an election... and during an election period, the need for impartiality and balance is intensified, and charities must take particular care when undertaking any activities in the political arena.”  

As part of the requirement for us to remain politically neutral, during the pre-election period RIBA cannot host events for political parties. This includes campaign rallies and visits for candidates.  

If your private social media account connects you to RIBA (including stating that you represent RIBA in your bio), or you regularly use a social media account (e.g. LinkedIn) for professional RIBA purposes, you should not make statements that give (or could be viewed to give) support to one party over another.   

Further support  

If you have any questions or need any further guidance, get in touch with our Policy and Public Affairs team at  

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