RIBA Committees appointments
RIBA has a Board of Trustees, responsible for the management of RIBA’s business. To help the Board with its work, it is supported by a number of Committees.
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Cultural Knowledge and Outreach Committee
- Education and Learning Committee
- Honours Committee
- Membership Committee
- Nominations Committee
- Practice and Policy Committee
- Remuneration Committee
- Standards Committee
It is an exciting time to join a RIBA Committee as we continue to develop our House of Architecture programme. Building on our nearly 200 years of history, this major investment programme will transform our digital technology, world-class architectural collections and London headquarters.
It will reinforce our identity as an outward-looking cultural institution, help us promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of architecture, and celebrate our members’ work.
Each committee has several roles, some that are open to RIBA Members and some that seek specific non-architect expertise.
We would like to hear from candidates who bring diversity of thought, background and lived experience to these committees, and who will support the Board in effecting culture change.
Find out more about our current vacancies below:
Cultural Knowledge and Outreach Committee
The Cultural Knowledge and Outreach Committee (CKO) has oversight of the cultural knowledge and outreach activity of RIBA, including, Collections, Exhibitions, Events, RIBA Awards, Public and school engagement, Donations (physical objects and financial), Fundraising and Acquisitions. The Cultural Knowledge and Outreach Committee also brings forward changes to policy, procedure and rules in relation to, member and public engagement utilising RIBA resources within the Library and Collections, Exhibitions, Awards (including Awards sub-group/panel), Events, Collecting and Curating, Library and Archiving, Donations (physical objects and financial) and Fundraising.
The CKO Committee has three vacancies:
- One RIBA Student Member
- One RIBA Associate Member
- One non-architect (Independent Member), subject-matter experts in (i) arts/culture (including digital outreach), (ii) audience/public engagement, and (iii) social impact/public benefit
Time Commitment: Approximately 4 meetings per year
Cultural Knowledge and Outreach Committee role description and person specification. (PDF Download)
Honours Committee
The Honours Committee oversees nominations for The Royal Gold Medal, Honorary Fellows, The King’s Birthday and New Years Honours (Members) and The King’s Birthday and New Years Honours (Staff). The Committee review and set the size and composition of the honours sub-committee, their Terms of Reference, and set the criteria for each of the honours.
The Honours Committee has two vacancies:
- Two RIBA Chartered Members
Time Commitment: Approximately 4 meetings per year
Honours Committee role description and person specification. (PDF Download)
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee oversees RIBA's membership administration, including global current and future membership engagement and offer, membership retention and development, membership lists (individuals, practices and specialist practitioners), excluding any areas overseen by the Standards Committee. The Membership Committee also bring forward changes to policy/procedure/rules in relation to specialist registers, member journeys, and benefits, including Chartered Practices; member support; products and services including student financial support and bursaries; membership admission/renewal/expiry; membership communications; marketing and campaigns (other than routine activity); services provided to the membership by the contact centre and additional activity required to improve membership engagement in addition to the business plan as a result of insight collected/issues raised to the Committee.
The Membership Committee has three vacancies:
- Three RIBA Members or individuals who are eligible to become a RIBA Member who represent a range of: size of practice, specialism, and geographical location, including international.
Time Commitment: Approximately 4 meetings per year
Membership Committee role description and person specification. (PDF Download)
Practice and Policy Committee
The Practice and Policy Committee oversees RIBA’s dispute resolution services. It supports practices and practising, including, services to support chartered practices and practising members; the development of policy guidance, responses to Government consultations and good practice guidance; and response to legislation/regulatory change and engagement with industry and related organisations. The Committee makes recommendations to the Board on changes to policy, procedure and rules in relation to any of the following, RIBA policy positions relevant to practices and practising members, and relevant matters relating to the regulation of the profession and good practice guidance. The Committee is also responsible for commissioning research and analysis from the membership, volunteer groups (including the EAGs) and others on relevant topics.
The Practice and Policy Committee has four vacancies:
- One RIBA Member
- One RIBA Member, Client Representative
- Two non-architect (Independent Members), subject-matter expert in advocacy, public relations, lobbying government and/or measuring impact of campaign/service
Time Commitment: Approximately 4 meetings per year
Practice and Policy Committee role description and person specification. (PDF Download)
Standards Committee
The Standards Committee in accordance with RIBA’s Regulations and Byelaws, sets standards of conduct for RIBA members and Chartered Practices, including publishing the Code of Professional Conduct and Code of Practice. The Committee oversees members’ compliance with the matters set out in their Declarations. It determines the procedure for dealing with conduct issues under the Byelaws, including making rules dealing with disciplinary procedure, prescribing the procedure for taking disciplinary action against Chartered Practices. They delegate responsibility in accordance with the disciplinary rules for taking disciplinary action in respect of members or Chartered Practices, including carrying out investigations, suspending and removing members, and issuing other sanctions. They set Mandatory Competences, professional competency and other criteria for Chartered and Non-Chartered Members, and set and monitor the CPD compliance policy for Chartered Members, ratifying the removal of those Members who fail to comply. The committee oversee the process for re-instatement and re-admission following adverse conduct decisions.
The Standards Committee has the following vacancies:
- Up to six RIBA Chartered Members
- Up to six non-architect (Independent Members) with professional experience, including standard setting in regulated industries, exposure to continuous professional development and the setting and enforcing of codes of conduct.
Time Commitment: Approximately 4 meetings per year
Standards Committee role description and person specification. (PDF Download)
Why should you apply?
1. To support the profession – by sitting on one of these committees, you will help to position RIBA as a critical community to provide support for architects. This means ensuring high standards both internally and amongst the membership, developing policy and strategy based on member insight and expertise, and amplifying the voices of members to encourage systemic change.
2. To invest in your own personal development – you will meet new people, learn new skills and gain knowledge, listen to and learn from others’ perspectives and play a crucial part in shaping the organisation’s future.
3. To advance architecture and its positive impact on society – by helping RIBA to achieve its goals, you will be ensuring our charitable purpose: the advancement of architecture and the promotion of the acquirement of the knowledge of the Arts and Sciences connected therewith. This means ensuring architects deliver for people and our planet.
Please contact ribagovernance@riba.org with any questions.
Find out more about RIBA Council, including current committee members.
How to apply
Please submit an up-to-date copy of your CV (maximum three pages) and a supporting statement (maximum two pages) summarising your most relevant professional skills and experiences.
Applications must be submitted to: ribagovernance@riba.org and received by 4 pm on Friday, 21 March 2025.
Please provide your home, mobile, and email contact details, and let us know when you are unavailable or where you may have difficulty with the indicative selection timetable given below.
You should also provide the names, positions, organisations, and contact details of two referees, one of whom should be your current or most recent employer.
We would not approach these referees before the shortlist stage; we only do so with your permission. Please state clearly if you do not wish us to approach your referees at any stage.
Find out more about RIBA Council, including current committee members.
Indicative dates for the selection process
Closing date: 26 March 2025
Interview in person with the Nominations Committee: 3/10 April 2025
Approval by the Trustee Board: 1 May 2025