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Pension provider contact details

These are the contact details of the pension providers used by the RIBA for current and previous employees.

Use the contact details below to contact providers directly, rather than contacting the RIBA for any questions about pensions.

Employee pension advice

The RIBA provides staff with third party pension advice through Punter Southall Aspire.

Contact details:

Stuart Stroud
Punter Southall Aspire
11 Strand

Telephone: +44 (0)20 3327 5500

RIBA stakeholder pension scheme

The RIBA operates a stakeholder pension schemes for the benefit of all staff who are not members of the defined benefit scheme. This is provided through Salvus Master Trust.

Contact details:

HS Admin
25 Goodlass Road
L24 9HJ

Telephone: +44 (0)151 448 5550

The Royal Institute of British Architects 1974 Staff Pension Scheme

The RIBA operates a defined benefit scheme in the UK that is closed to new members.

The Royal Institute of British Architects 1974 Staff Pension Scheme – Statement of Investment Principles (PDF)

The Statement of Investment Principles details the policies which control how a pension scheme invests. The Statement of Investment Principles sets out the principles governing how decisions about investments are made and has been prepared in accordance with all relevant legislation and best-practice guidelines.

The RIBA 1974 Staff Pension Scheme: Annual Engagement Policy Implementation Statement can be accessed here.

Contact details:

The Royal Institute of British Architects 1974 Staff Pension Scheme
Mercer Limited
PO Box 2066
4 Bedford Park
CR90 9NB


Members pension scheme

Read about the RIBA member pension scheme.

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