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Moorfields UCL

AECOM with Penoyre & Prasad and White Arkitekter.
Competition | Past

​​Moorfields UCL

Integrated eye care, research and education facility for Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Charity.

Invited Education and Health

A joint eye care, research and education facility for Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology.

This project was a joint venture between:

  • Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Moorfields)
  • University College London (UCL)
  • Moorfields Eye Charity (MEC)

The partners proposed to plan, design, build and operate a new integrated care, education and research facility at a preferred site at St Pancras Hospital in London.

This presented a rare and complex design challenge for architects worldwide to secure a high-profile, global opportunity to produce a design for a new, state-of-the-art facility in an important regeneration and conservation area in the heart of London.

The shortlisted teams were:

  • AECOM Ltd with White Arkitekter AB + Penoyre and Prasad
  • Bennetts Associates with Reiach & Hall, Buro Happold Engineering & Gustafson Porter + Bowman
  • Hopkins Architects with Arup, Todd Longstaffe-Gowan Ltd + Wolfgang Buttress
  • Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners with Stantec, Arup, Gillespies, Speirs + Major & T Projects
  • Ryder Architecture Ltd with Hawkins\Brown Architects, Spacehub Design Limited, Hoare Lea LLP, Rider Levett Bucknall UK Ltd + Ramboll UK Ltd

The winning team were identified as AECOM with Penoyre & Prasad and White Arkitekter.

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