Why enter a RIBA Competition?
RIBA Competitions delivers choice, inspiration and value to clients through expertly run architectural competitions and competitive selection processes.
Competitions managed by the RIBA are based on over 40 years’ experience and follow best practice criteria. We aim to serve clients well and bring fair opportunities for designers.
There are many different reasons for entering a competition, which should be carefully considered before making any commitment. The investment of time can be significant, but good competitions can raise profiles, create new business opportunities and provide valuable experience for the team. Exposure through winning or being shortlisted for a competition could be the launch pad for a successful career and can be extremely rewarding professionally.
The potential advantages of entering
Before you decide to enter a competition, realistically appraise your ability to fulfil its requirements and to meet the client’s expectations. Be selective. Ideally, only enter competitions for projects that really interest you or fit well with your business strategy.
The chances of being shortlisted or going on to win a competition might be slim, particularly in the case of popular competitions. Gauging the number of potential entrants you may be up against is always difficult. The number of entries is typically influenced by the competition format, project/client profile, sector, scale of opportunity, state of the economy and number of other opportunities available.
To find out more about the RIBA Competitions process please download the Guidance for Competition Entrants.

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RIBA Competition spotlight: University of Warwick, UK
"Whenever we enter a RIBA-run competition, we know it will be a fair contest and that the client will be advised in an intelligent way by RIBA’s adviser about the proposals and the way the team will work; the chemistry involved - if you like. It’s a skilful process from the adviser’s point of view in steering the client’s committee towards making their decision. RIBA brings a real gravitas to the discussions and the assessments."
Feilden Clegg Bradley, winner of the University of Warwick Competition