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Architecture work experience placements: information for applicants aged 14 to 19 and architect hosts

RIBA’s Learning team have partnered with Speakers for Schools to support UK based architecture practices in delivering safe and engaging digital work experiences, and to provide 14 to 19 year olds from state funded schools and colleges with the opportunity to apply to these architecture practices for digital work experiences.

This programme is free of charge for both employers and the young people applying.

RIBA Learning delivers and supports architectural learning activities through our National Schools Programme, workshops for all ages, and community engagement.

Young people aged 14 to 19

Young people will have the chance to learn about the profession, architecture teams and who architects work with, what an architect does day-to-day and some of the key skills involved in architectural practice.

This opportunity will not only fulfil school work experience requirements but will also develop young people’s skills and provide valuable insight into careers in architecture.

To sign up for a digital work experience placement with an architect, young people will need to register with Speakers for Schools using their link for students and apply for work experience via the Speakers for Schools website.

If you miss this opportunity to apply for work experience with an architect, we suggest that you contact architects and architectural firms directly in your local area to see if they provide work experience for your age group.

Explore our Education, CPD and Careers webpage for more guidance on studying architecture and how to become an architect.

Architects and architecture practices

We will match architectural practices with suitable candidates, help you understand safeguarding and risk assessments for digitally hosting a work experience student, and give you guidance and support on how to develop an engaging and creative architectural work experience programme.

To take part as an employer, please register with Speakers for Schools using their link for employers.

Once you have signed up, Speakers for Schools will contact you about logistics and what format of placement will work best for you. We are looking at a six week time period, before placements start, for you to sign up and prepare your work experience placements offer.

Speakers for Schools are work experience hosting experts with a particular specialism in supporting employers to host virtual work experience programmes (VWEX). Speakers for Schools’ delivery platform and networks relieves the administrative work associated with these important work experience opportunities and keeps your staff, and the young people you work with safe.

The RIBA Learning team can provide advice about activities, pitch and content of workshops and safeguarding. RIBA Learning are educational experts with a strong understanding of how to engage young people with architectural practice through creative and hands on activities.

Work experience toolkit for architect practices

RIBA Learning has launched a brand new, and completely free, work experience toolkit that practices can download to help deliver work placements. The toolkit is full of advice and projects designed to assist practices to deliver work placements for young people aged 14 to 19 years.

Download the RIBA Learning work experience toolkit (PDF)

You can contact the RIBA Learning team at

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