Architecture Ambassadors partnerships
The Architecture Ambassadors programme is part of RIBA's National Schools Programme that brings together architecture professionals and schools, helping children and young people to explore and understand the built environment.
London and regional Architecture Ambassador workshops spring/summer 2024
We have enjoyed a busy spring term loaded with 12 Architecture Ambassador partnership projects involving 650 students and 43 architects.
Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School with Corstorphine Wright, DHAA, Glancy Nicholls, BDP, Makos Design workshop, Apec, RGP, and Howells, Birmingham
On the 10 and 11 July, 16 architects from eight different practices joined 180 year nine pupils from Archbishop Ilsley Catholic School in Birmingham to help them to make sustainable eco homes complete with green roofs, wind turbines, solar panels, and water wheels.
Brentside High with Atkins Realis, London
Throughout May and June architects from Atkins Realis joined year 12 art and design pupils to explore train station design and urban regeneration. Pupils redesigned local train stations to make them more accessible, appealing, safer, enterprising, and to enable them to contribute positively to the development and growth of the local area.

Oakthorp Primary School with Serwan Saleme, Ya Ya Chen, Roy Coupland and Ivy Edemafaka, London
On the 11 July, three year five classes took part in the ultimate earthquake challenge to design and make two different structures, one using card and one using spaghetti, that would withstand an earthquake. Models were tested in Serwan’s fantastic earthquake simulator and some models even had multiple books placed on them to test their strength! Children learnt about and used cross-bracing to reinforce their models and many passed the test of withstanding a natural disaster.
Whitburn Village Primary School with Sadler Brown, Newcastle
In April year four pupils from Whitburn Village Primary joined architects from Sadler Brown to investigate what Whitburn village currently looks like and how it might change in the future. Children were tasked with the challenge of redesigning housing, shops, energy sources and transport to make a healthier community. Children then enjoyed building models to showcase their ideas.

Rye Oak Primary School with Sharma Boon, London
Architects from Sharma Boon worked with year six pupils to investigate structures in buildings with pupils making their own mini tectonic structures using wooden skewers, art straws and pipe cleaners.
William Pattern Primary School with Make, London
Year six pupils joined architects from Make to learn about the different climates and topographies in India and how architecture adapts accordingly across the country. Children worked in groups and were assigned different areas with varying climates and they were challenged with designing homes that would suit their surroundings. Children completed their investigations by making models of their designs.

Richmond upon Thames College with Jahba Anan, Twickenham
Part two graduate Jabha Anan joined students to design and make furniture for a study area in their school. The students came up with some brilliant designs that would enable their peers to study in a relaxed and collaborative manner.
Woodlands Secondary School with Jack Baron and Jake Brockwell, Basildon
Year 7 students joined Jack and Jake to design pavilion structures for their school that could be used as study and chillout spaces for fellow pupils.
Moston Primary with Adam Lewis, Moston
Year four students joined architect Adam Lewis to examine the redevelopment plans of Moston proposed by Manchester City Council. Pupils considered what they liked about their area and what they would like to change. They designed and made models of the buildings and infrastructure they would like to be included in the redevelopment of the area.

Check out our other partnerships
- The Cynefin Cymru project, the first of its kind in Wales (Nov 2021 to 2022)
- Designing future spaces with St Marylebone High School and Make Architects (Nov 2021)
- Bringing Home to the Unknown with Mayesbrook Park School and POoR (Power Out of Restriction) Collective (Apr to Oct 2021)
- Creating sustainable homes with Patcham Juniors School and Chalk Architecture (July 2021)
- Learning about Greek mythology, masterplanning, sustainability and Anglo-Saxons with Nottingham city schools and architects (Summer 2021)
Learn more about the RIBA Architecture Ambassadors programme including details on how to join, or contact us at for more information.