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RIBA Academy: RIBA Chartered Member - Voucher Code 2025


Follow the steps below to use your RIBA Academy £200 voucher code:

  1. Log in to the RIBA Academy using your RIBA membership details
  2. Once you have logged in, select any of the Core CPD product(s) the voucher is valid on
  3. Click on your chosen product(s) and click ‘Add to Cart’
  4. Click on your cart in the top right corner and proceed to check out. Input your voucher code and click ‘Apply’ to receive a £200 discount off the final price
  5. Once purchased, the product(s) can be accessed from your ‘My Learning’ area of the RIBA Academy

Terms and conditions

  • The voucher can only be used on Core CPD products included in this list
  • The voucher is only valid to use until 31 December 2025
  • It is possible to use the voucher on more than one product, provided the products are in your Shopping Cart at the same time and not purchased separately. The £200 discount will be applied on the total price of all products
  • The voucher code can only be used one time – you will not be able to use the code on different purchases throughout the year
  • If the total purchase/checkout price is above £200, you will need to pay the remaining amount
  • If the total purchase/checkout price is below £200, you will not be able to spend the remaining balance of the voucher code in any future purchases
  • The voucher code is unique to you and cannot be shared
  • The voucher can only be used to purchase specific Core CPD products on RIBA Academy, and cannot be used to purchase any other RIBA services or settle any other charges
  • Once the voucher has been used for a purchase, no amendment or cancellation is allowed


What products can the code be used on?
The code is valid on all Core CPD products. They can be found in this section of the RIBA Academy Learning Programme. This includes the 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 Core CPD Club Tickets and individual courses. The code cannot be used on any other product.

Can I use the code to purchase multiple products?
Yes. The code can be used across multiple products, provided the products are in your Shopping Cart at the same time and not purchased separately. The £200 discount will be applied on the total price of all products.

If I do not use my voucher code in 2025, can I carry the code over to 2026?
No. The voucher code is only valid for use in 2025.

Can I use part of the £200 balance now, and the rest of the balance later in the year?
No. The code can only be used one time. You will not be able to use the code across multiple purchases throughout the year, and the remaining balance of the code will not be available to use at a later date after your initial purchase.

Can I book onto the individual topics, which form part of the Core CPD 2025 Club Ticket?
The individual topics which form part of the Core CPD 2025 Club Ticket, will be live and open for bookings from early February 2025.

Accessing products

Once purchased, the product(s) can be accessed from your ‘My Learning’ area of the RIBA Academy.

For more information, please contact

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