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Get ready to renew your RIBA membership - 2019 subscription update

Get ready to renew your RIBA membership for 2019. As part of our commitment to inclusivity and ensuring membership remains affordable to all, there will be no increase in subscriptions if you are eligible for a reduced fee or are a Chartered Member in the first six years of qualification.

13 September 2018

In the coming weeks we will be sending you your membership renewal pack for 2019.

Your RIBA Membership demonstrates your commitment to the highest professional and ethical standards. We are here to help you develop the knowledge and skills you need to achieve those standards every day and to show the world the value of architects.

To provide you with the resources you need, we are investing in improving what you get for your membership subscription. This is our commitment to you and to ensuring a strong profession in the future.

All members will receive their renewal pack by email, where you’ll find more information on the improvements we are making to your membership and how to renew.

As part of our commitment to promote inclusivity, and to ensure membership remains affordable to all, there will again be no increase in subscriptions for 2019 if you are eligible for a reduced subscription fee* and/or are a Chartered Member in the first six years of qualification. There will be a 2.5% increase in 2019, in-line with predicted inflation for all other individual subscriptions. 

We are here to focus on the issues that matter most to you, so that together we can create a better future for architects and architecture. We look forward to welcoming you for another year and continuing to show the world the difference an architect and our profession makes.

*If you earn less than £20,000 p.a. after tax, are unemployed, in full-time education, on maternity leave, or retired you could be eligible for a reduced subscription fee

Staff at David Miller Architects, a RIBA Chartered Practice.

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