09 July 2021
The RIBA UK Awards 2021 (including Regional, National and the RIBA Stirling Prize) will be selected from the shortlists for the RIBA Regional, RIAS, RSUA and RSAW Awards 2020.
We are working closely with everyone involved in the jury visits to ensure stringent health and safety measures are followed.
Regional juries are made up of entrants’ peers and fellow members, with each comprising of a Chair, regional representative, lay assessor, sustainability specialist and conservation specialist. To encourage new talent and fresh perspectives, the juries are changed each year.

2021 Regional Awards jurors
- Adam Spall - AHR
- Adam Vaughan - JDDK Architects
- Alan Chandler - Arts Lettres Techniques
- Alex Marlow - Purcell UK
- Alfonso Padro - HKS Architects
- Andrew Lees - Andrew Lees Architect
- Asif Din - Perkins & Will
- Beatrice Frankel – Merseycare NHS
- Ben Elliott - Elliott Architects Ltd.
- Britt Harwood - inc-architecture
- Caroline Buckingham - Caroline Buckingham Architects
- Caroline Peach - BCP Council
- Charlotte Harris - HASA Architects
- Christopher Boyce - Assorted Skills + Talents
- Dan Thompson - Dan Thompson Studio
- Darren Jones - shedkm
- David Clarke - DCA Consulting
- David Hughes – Lawray Architects
- Debby Ray - Woods Bagot
- Deniz Beck - ERMc Ltd
- Derek Rankin - RX Studio
- Ewan Miller – Calderpeel
- Fiona Cobb - Cobb & Company
- Fiona Raley - Fiona Raley Architects
- Gavin Henderson – Stanton Williams
- Gordon Browne – Henstaff Construction
- Graeme Beamish - Graeme Beamish Architects
- Graeme Dodd – Napper Architects
- Helen Ramsden - Orms
- Henry Pelly - Max Fordham
- Ian Staples - Leonard Design Architects
- Jaideep Chakrabarti
- James Lai - CallisonRTKL UK
- Jennifer Chambers – Chambers Conservation Ltd
- Jelena Cousins - Cousins & Cousins
- Jerry Tate - Tate Harmer
- Joel Gustafsson - Max Fordham
- John Pardey - John Pardey Architects
- Jonathan Fox - Adam Architecture
- Juliet Colman - Juliet Colman architecture
- Jun Huang - Wei Yang & Partners
- Katherine McNeil - Coventry University
- Kent Jackson - SOM
- Lucy Pedler - The Green Register
- Lucy Plumridge - HLM Architects
- Malcolm McGregor - Pringle Richards Sharratt
- Margherita Cesca - Saunders Boston Architects
- Mark Shipton - Oxford Architects
- Nicola Rutt - Hawkins Brown
- Nitesh Magdani - BAM
- Patrick Osborne - RH Partnership
- Paul Kings - Kings & Dunne Architects
- Paul Velluet
- Pauline Kirk - CEF Electrical Factors
- Pauline Stockmans - Allies & Morrison
- Peter Cartwright - Cartwright Pickard
- Phil Coffey - Coffey Architects
- Richard Lomas - Mitchell & Lomas Architects
- Rob Bearyman - Bennetts Associates
- Rob Gregory - University of Bristol
- Rob Mitchell - Mitchell Eley Gould
- Rob Thompson - rtu. Rob Thompson Urbanism
- Robert Prewett - Prewett Bizley Architects
- Robert Sakula - Ash Sakula
- Rodrigo Moreno Masey - Moreno Masey
- Rosi Fieldson - University of Lincoln
- Shahriar Nasser - Belsize Architects
- Sophie Goldhill - Liddicoat Goldhill
- Tim Mosedale - Mosedale Gillatt Architects Ltd.
- Tom Bentham - Max Fordham
- Wendy Perring - PAD Studio
Please keep checking this page for further Regional Awards Jury announcements.