By Alan Vallance, RIBA Chief Executive / Jane Duncan, RIBA President
Every year, there are thousands of architects from European Union countries who come to live and work in the UK.
You may be feeling a long way from home and the best way to acclimatise to the UK is to make new friends and connections with people who share your passion for architecture close to where you live and work.
The RIBA is a global membership body with more than 41,000 Chartered Members and an extensive network of regional offices, branches, partnerships and International Chapters.
There are nine regional offices across England representing architects in local areas, and there are three bodies which represent architects in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Your regional office will connect you with your fellow architectural community, and provide support, events and activities in the places local to you.
Each regional office will put you in touch with hundreds of Chartered Members who live and work near you, and host local events, talks and tours. As part of this regional network you will also be able to discuss local issues and contribute to national RIBA debate.
These offices act as a coordinating body between regional Chartered Members, the RIBA nationally and other partners. Regional offices ensure members have a real voice in national issues and debate and ensure that voice is heard.
Your local RIBA regional office will connect you with hundreds of other like-minded professionals who are working in practices close to you. Joining your regional network, signing up for newsletters and attending local events is a great way to make new friends with people who share your interests in architecture and the built environment.
If you are new to the UK, or even if you have been working here for a while, your regional office can put you in touch with people who are from your country or those who have similar interests. You can find out what groups are available by contacting your regional office.
Contact your RIBA regional office now to find out about local events in your area and to find out what other groups are available.
Find out more about RIBA Chartered Membership.