To mark Black History Month 2018, we're celebrating the black architects of tomorrow. In order to do so, we asked ED&I groups including; Architects for Change, the RIBA Women in Architects Group, Built by Us, RIBA Board & Council, RIBA Role Models and RIBA Practice Role Models to nominate a newly-qualified black architect or architecture student from either a Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 course who has had an inspirational journey into architecture.
Meet the eight Part 1 students who have been nominated as inspirational young black architects and discover their story in their own words.

Lemar Darien-Campbell: "I enjoy to learn and design project's for those who are less fortunate or are in very challenging life circumstances"
Alem Derege: "I am part of an organisation called BFA (Black Female Architects) and if there is anything I would want to be remembered for it would be for inspiring other young creatives from ethic minority backgrounds to, despite adversity, not be discouraged from pursuing their dreams and to excel in Higher Education"
Callum Richardson: "For me, one of the most inspiring characteristics of architecture is how we encapsulate culture and create a physical embodiment of the unique and diverse perspectives of society"
Ifeoluwasimi Somefun: "I have a genuine passion for Community & Representation of Black people within the architecture industry"
Selam Mengistu: "I have turned my negative experiences into a resilience that I am able to use to help prospective architects from similar disadvantaged backgrounds as myself"
Natasha Ani: "I took part in the RIBA mentoring scheme and completed this in a local practise in Nottingham who have taken me on for my year out and I am currently working here now"
Alex Clarke: "I believe that role models in architecture are crucial for development, and very often there are far fewer for those from BAME backgrounds"
Chloe Tayali: "For my Part I, I was lucky to be on a course that encouraged me to explore the various facets of architecture. I am building on this in my Part II studies and my work for the RIBA. I did not feel that ethnic diversity was proportionately represented at my university or in my workplace, though they are making efforts to change that.
However, I am incredibly fortunate to encounter a wide range of people at the RIBA. I am encouraged by seeing others like myself and inspired by the people I meet and the work we are doing to make the profession more open and inclusive.