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Continuing the upward trajectory

RIBA President, Alan Jones, reflects on his Presidency as he prepares to pass on the baton.

31 August 2021

The past two years have been incredibly challenging for our profession, and I am proud of our resilience, our achievements, and the progress we have made – and continue to make – to ensure our relevance and positive impact on society.

The pandemic and Brexit have caused personal and professional upheaval, and I appreciate the time that so many have dedicated to support others – from sending encouraging emails, to hosting events, to offering expertise and insight, all for the greater good. It has been a privilege to lead the profession during these turbulent times.

In 2019, at my first Council meeting, we decided to take the ‘high-road’ of greater competency and responsibility. We decided to reorientate the profession, to demonstrate our relevance, our value, and present ourselves as part of the solution to some of society’s toughest challenges. We’ve made a solid start and I am particularly proud of the President’s Fact-Finding Mission, a set of long-term goals and short-term plans, that form the ‘Guiding Star’ of RIBA’s 2034 Masterplan to keep the profession and Institute on track.

Across my two years as RIBA President, by working closely with Council, Board, staff and the wider membership, we have achieved a great deal. Together we’ve awarded incredibly talented practices and individuals; recognised projects that push the boundaries of our craft; forged lasting relationships with policymakers; instigated ‘radical changes’ to education and professional development through new criteria and The Way Ahead; launched RIBA Academy to enable easier access to high-quality CPD; made significant steps to better support practices, students, young graduates, future architects and all architects from underrepresented racial or ethnic groups; agreed and embedded streamlined governance structures; and reviewed our brand to modernise and futureproof the RIBA.

I firmly believe we are all change-makers. We’re constantly listening, learning, adapting and evolving and, as I find my small way to continue to make change, I encourage you to do the same.

It’s now time for me to hand you over to the capable Simon Allford, who will carry us forward, and upwards. There is much to do, and I trust that you will give Simon the support he needs.

Finally, I want to express my deepest thanks for all the support and assistance given to me by so many, close to home and further afield, over the past two years. A President achieves very little on their own but, together, achieves a lot. I thank and salute you all.

With best wishes,

Professor Alan M Jones

RIBA President 2019-2021


Presidency highlights:

  • Royal Gold Medal 2020 – Grafton Architects.
  • Royal Gold Medal 2021 – Sir David Adjaye.
  • Stirling Prize 2019 – Goldsmith Street, Norwich City Council.
  • The President’s Fact-Finding Mission (PFFM) – an exploration of themes affecting the future profession by eight champions and 48 contributors, forming the ‘Guiding Star’ of the RIBA’s 2034 Masterplan.
  • Membership review – a review of the RIBA’s membership offer, following the first ever reduction in membership fees.
  • Committee reforms – a new committee structure to reflect streamlined governance changes.
  • RIBA Hub – a new digital membership hub to allow members to communicate and network across the globe.
  • Work with an Architect – an extensive media campaign to articulate how architects realise value for society and their clients.
  • Mandatory Competences – agreement and announcement of future mandatory competencies on life safety, climate literacy and ethical practice.
  • RIBA Academy – a new digital home for high-quality CPD.
  • CPD Online Recording Platform – a tool for members to demonstrate CPD requirements.
  • “Towards Net Zero” campaign – a commitment and programme of activity to enable architects to tackle the climate emergency and demonstrate the critical role of the built environment.
  • Annie Spink Award 2020 – Dr Leslie Lokko.
  • ARB and Government – evolved and strengthened relationships, exemplified by Secretary of State, Robert Jenrick, praising architects in The House of Commons at the National Model Design Code (NMDC) launch.
  • Regulation of Function - the establishment of a RIBA Council working group and report to inform new RIBA policy stance.
  • The Way Ahead – the RIBA’s new Education and Professional Framework described by the Architects’ Journal as ‘the most radical change in the education and professional development’.
  • Study and Practise Architecture Well – new resources to support students and early-career architects.
  • Revised criteria for studying architecture – new guidelines with a greater focus on technical, ethical and professional practice for all institutions.
  • The Compact – a trial employment agreement between academia, practices and graduates.
  • RIBA Journal – 23 President’s columns.
  • Landscape Artist of the Year 2019 – providing a brief to the winner during the final episode to address Venice’s vulnerability to climate change.
  • The Architects Underground – meeting Suggs from Madness at 66 Portland Place!
  • Google Arts & Culture – the launch of a new digital partnership.

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