Upcoming events
Revolutionary voices in housing, then and now, 18 January 2022, 7 to 8.30pm (GMT)
RIBA Student Members: £5
Join us for a night of inspirational talks by individuals and groups committed to designing, delivering and providing radical and ambitious social housing. This event is part of the RIBA's Becontree centenary programme.
On demand events and content
Video: Graduating from your Part 2?
What's your next step after graduation? What does RIBA do to support you as you continue your journey to qualification? RIBA Future Architects presents what the RIBA offers you as you graduate, with handy tips and useful opportunities as you move forward to your Part 3.
Video: Social Value in Architecture series
Did you miss the chance to attend RIBA London's Social Value and Architecture events earlier this year? You can now catch up with our video series touching on themes such as homelessness, new ways of living, inclusive design, and reclaiming our spaces.
Video: Prep for Practice - Behind the scenes in practice
Catch up with the recording of the recent RIBA Future Architects Prep for Practice event and go behind the scenes in practice, follow along on a virtual site visit and meet a design team in the studio.
Video: RIBA Future Architects Discuss: Everything Needs To Change
Catch up with the recording of the recent RIBA Future Architects discuss event following the recent publication of Everything Needs to Change: Architecture and the Climate Emergency.
Video: Architecture Anew event series
This series of talks features acclaimed change makers who are leading the way towards a more sustainable future, embracing social, economic and environmental concerns.
Video: RIBA Radio
Former BBC journalist and the RIBA's Director of Inclusion & Diversity, Marsha Ramroop, hosted a lively mixture of music, interviews, discussions and debate focusing on promoting diversity and inclusion within architecture. Featuring over 90 special guests from across the worlds of architecture, design, arts, culture, and sport, as well as key leaders from the worlds of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).
Video: RIBA Future Architects Discuss - Choosing Materials for a Sustainable Future
What can we do, as architecture students, to make sure we're making the right choices for our future projects? This recording of a recent event in our RIBA Future Architects Discuss series looks at the significance of material choices in mitigating climate impacts.
Write for :scale blog - Open call for submissions
Ongoing opportunity
Architectural community and blog :scale are inviting submissions of writing or content that can help fellow architecture students, and encourage their readers to think "out of scale."
Contribute to ARCHLOGBOOK - Open call for submissions
Ongoing opportunity
Have a topic you like to write about for the archi-community? Do you have a resource that you would like to share? ARCHLOGBOOK is a platform for young architects to share and document ideas, projects, workflows, resources and events relating to the design and practice of architecture. They are looking to work with content creators/writers to feature blog posts and to collaborate with architectural firms, organisations and product companies.
Submit your projects to RIBA Future Architects - Open for submissions
Ongoing opportunity
Do you have a project you would like to share with the RIBA Future Architects community on the @RIBAEducation Instagram? A podcast you would like to produce? Whatever your idea, let us know and we can work with you to make it a feature.

Do you have a student event or opportunity you would like to share here?
Please email the RIBA Future Architects team at futurearchitects@riba.org
RIBA Future Architects is our community for future and emerging architects, designed to support, inspire and provide a voice as you transition from study to practice. View our resources.