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Find an Architect two months on

Two months ago, we launched a new Find an Architect as part of our ongoing commitment to promote Chartered Practices and our development of services for clients.

26 July 2019

Two months ago, we launched our new Find an Architect service. It’s part of our ongoing commitment to promote Chartered Practices and our development of services for clients. In that time, you may have noticed some new emails arriving in your inbox. We hope these client matches are proving fruitful.

We have invested in whole range of activities over the past three months promoting the benefits of working with an architect to clients around the launch of the new Find an Architect service, including:

  • Adverts in the Daily Mail (2 June) and The Guardian (6 July)
  • Banner ads on Planning Portal throughout June (250,000 impressions, with a 0.10% clickthrough rate)
  • Online articles distributed to the databases of Home Owners Alliance, Grand Designs Live, Planning Portal and UK Construction Week
  • An extensive social media campaign, including paid for posts on Linkedin and Facebook
  • Investment in search engine optimisation to improve where Find an Architect appears on the search results
  • Session on the Grand Stage at Grand Designs Live in London

The Find an Architect stats show that our efforts have been effective. The new service has had over 140,000 page views since launch on 28 May 2019, with clients submitting a diverse range of enquiries for projects totalling over £624 million in construction value. We will continue to promote it wherever we can, including client shows.

As with any major update, we continue to welcome your feedback. In response to what you’ve told us so far, we’ve added the following improvements:

  • New practice and project page templates that accommodate a wider range of images, in particular the main practice and project hero images
  • Greater functionality to add, delete and display your logo, making it more important than ever to upload a logo at our recommended ratio of 100 x 100 pixels
  • A mandatory location question for clients so you can be more informed before expressing an interest in a project

We will continue to make improvements, so if you have any feedback let us know.

Updating your profile will greatly improve your chances of being matched to potential clients. 35% of our practices have received at least one match already. It will also advance your standing within the results, as the practice with the most projects that match the client’s brief will be moved to the top. Those practices who have updated their profile more recently will also be elevated.

Make sure you're making the most of your Find an Architect profile by reading our guide.

Join as a Chartered Practice if you’d like to add your practice to Find an Architect.

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