The commission
To develop a set of principles to improve the quality and character of a key radial route linking a new Garden Community (urban extension) with the existing town centre, including design standards and an implementation plan which can be applied to other key radial routes across North Northamptonshire.
The critical challenges and opportunities to address in the process and output are:
- supporting and guiding incremental improvements for key routes
- improving pedestrian and cycle access and maintaining traffic flows
- enhancing the overall quality and character of the route including tree planting, active frontages, and air quality
- achieving wider health, green infrastructure, environmental and economic benefits- utilising smart technology where possible
- drawing on relevant best practice examples from elsewhere (UK, Europe, and beyond)
- creating safe, pleasant, lively, and characterful streets for all
- taking into account the analysis and principles set out in the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy and the Urban Structures Study
- working in collaboration with the local authority as a client, presenting ideas and findings to the Future Place programme
The final output
The final output will take the form of an illustrated strategy and design principles for the development of well-connected places through the improvement of radial routes and the implementation of a corridor management plan, with a focus on an initial route in the first instance - with the principles applicable to other routes in North Northamptonshire. The strategy will include the vision and objectives and will also set out the timeline and implementation process (which might include the appointment of a consultant team or assembly of an expert panel). It will also include an initial intervention or actions required to kick start the process.

North Northamptonshire is comprised of five partner local authorities (Corby, East Northamptonshire, Kettering, Wellingborough, and Northamptonshire County Council). who are currently moving towards the formation of a unitary authority. It has had a Joint Planning Committee and Joint Planning Unit (JPU) in place since 2004. In 2017 the JPU was combined with a delivery unit forming the Joint Planning and Deliver Unit (JDPU). The Joint Core Strategy was adopted in July 2016 and takes a place shaping approach to development. All partners and stakeholders are keen to see the clear integration of the new garden communities with the existing built up form.
The JDPU’s ambitious growth strategy is to build 40,000 homes between 2011 and 2031 to increase the population by 25% and create high quality Garden Communities, including a new Garden Village at Tresham. North Northamptonshire’s vision is to create an interconnected green network of urban and rural areas, to support a high quality of life and prosperous economy.
Next Steps
North Northamptonshire’s place shaping policies will require implementation across all five local authorities.