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RIBA launches UK’s first nationwide architecture programme for schoolchildren

Today (27 November 2018) the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) will launch the National Schools Programme – the UK’s first nationwide architectural learning programme for schoolchildren.

27 November 2018

“Even the small things can change a lot of people’s perspectives on the world. [The RIBA programme] made me feel I have a chance, an opportunity to become an architect. I could design something that could go on to help a lot of people” - Student at Hammersmith Academy

Today (27 November 2018) we launch the National Schools Programme – the UK’s first nationwide architectural learning programme for schoolchildren.

The programme partners schools with expertly-trained architects - RIBA Architecture Ambassadors - who volunteer their time to deliver bespoke and creative, curriculum-linked workshops for children aged four to 18. The programme is free of charge to schools, thanks to the generosity of its supporters.

Our National Schools Programme will help thousands of children to explore and understand the built environment – its impact on people and communities; how it is shaped and developed; and why good design is important. The aim is to foster a generation that understands the impact and importance of excellent architecture and is inspired with the confidence, knowledge and skills to make their voices heard.

The launch of a comprehensive nationwide programme follows a successful pilot phase that engaged a diverse range of 18,000 young people, many from disadvantaged backgrounds, in over 200 schools across England. The pilot was delivered by 349 Architecture Ambassadors from 170 architecture practices.

Architecture Ambassador and student in the RIBA's National Schools Programme. Credit: Lucie Olivier

RIBA President Ben Derbyshire said:"The RIBA believes that everyone has a part to play in shaping their built environment, and we are committed to empowering young people through this nationwide programme. The huge enthusiasm and commitment of the individual architects and their practices in giving their time to make this programme possible is impressive. We are proud that our pilot project has already reached 18,000 young people, all over the country, and we look forward to inspiring thousands more.”

The RIBA’s National Schools Programme offers a bespoke variety of workshops, matched to the individual needs, resources and interests of the school. For example, projects can involve exploring the local area and understanding key issues affecting the local community. Projects in the pilot phase have included huge large-scale models made of bamboo and proposals for creating ‘a city of the future’.

Canan Ahmet, a teacher at Rokesly Junior School who took part in the pilot phase said:
“The RIBA National Schools Programme is run by a team of passionate, professional, creative and inspiring individuals who care about architecture as well as all the children they seek to. Working with a team of talented architects, as well as RIBA, has ensured that our children are able to develop life skills, such as team work, solving a brief, problem solving and communication. The programme raises aspirations and creates potential careers pathways for some architects of tomorrow.”

Yemi Alederum, RIBA Architecture Ambassador, said:
“I joined the National Schools Programme as it allowed me to build on my commitment to boost training and broaden access and employment opportunities for young and disadvantaged people.

My ultimate aim for students at Hammersmith Academy, my partner school, is that they see the difference they can make to their surroundings, develop a sense of ownership of these spaces and start to engage with their built environment in truly meaningful ways.”

The RIBA is a charity that relies on funding to run the National Schools Programme.

We are very grateful to the following supporters, and welcome further support from others:

Clore Duffield Foundatin
Ernest Cook Trust
Garfield Weston Foundation
Hull UK City of Culture
Kirby Laing Foundation
Old Possum’s Practical Trust
Rogers, Stirk, Harbour & Partners
Royal Commission for the Great Exhibition of 1851
The Sackler Trust

The National Schools Programme is delivered by the RIBA Learning team. Each year RIBA Learning engages over 13,500 people through public events and outreach programmes, inspiring learners of all ages and backgrounds to explore, question and celebrate architecture and our built environment.

If you are interested in architectural learning for children in general, you might enjoy our free upcoming seminar, Architecture for Children, an International Exchange.

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