The Placemaking Wales Charter was developed in collaboration with the Placemaking Wales Partnership, made up of stakeholders representing a wide range of interests. RSAW were one of those partners, committed to supporting the development of high-quality places across Wales for the benefit of communities. Watch for further information on the Placemaking Wales Charter.

As an exemplar project of the Charter, Grange Pavilion (pictured) is a Cardiff University Gateway Project in partnership with Grangetown residents. Students from the Welsh School of Architecture worked closely with residents, IBI Group and Benham Architects.
Dan Benham, Benham Architects and RSAW Past President, said “It has been a wonderful experience to work with the community in creating the Grange Pavilion. Their passion, energy and wonderful diversity and cultures drove the design and creation of this place they can call ‘home’. Working alongside fantastic people at the IBI Group, the practice has realised a building and series of spaces that will act as frameworks to celebrate the richness of Grangetown and its people. Community driven design can be daunting for Architects who are versed in typical procurement processes, but working on a project where there was no brief and amazing community spirit and drive has given me a new viewpoint on the importance of people-based architecture.”