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RIBA announces member fees for 2025

Find out more about our 2025 annual subscription fees for individual members and Chartered Practices.

19 September 2024

RIBA Board and Council have agreed a 5.5% annual subscription increase for individual members and practices.  

In 2025, the annual fee for the most common form of membership – a UK-based Chartered Member who has been qualified for over five years – will increase by £2 per month, to £472.  

The annual fee for UK-based Chartered Members with less than five years’ experience will increase by £14 to £266; for international Chartered Members with less than five years’ experience, it will increase by £11 to £213, or by £19 to £358 for those with more than five years’ experience.     

Support for those facing financial hardship, on lower incomes, or retired architects will continue.    

Chair of the RIBA Board of Trustees, Jack Pringle, said: 

“RIBA is its members - a global community of architects, practices, students and all who share our passion for architectural excellence.  

Our annual subscription considerations always draw on feedback from elected representatives, as we evaluate the needs and concerns of our members. Income from individual subscriptions contributes around 30% of RIBA’s annual income and enables us to deliver the vast range of membership resources and activities.  

UK inflation from 2017 to 2024 rose by 30% but we were able to hold our fee rise over this difficult period to 8.4%, thus reducing our fee income by approximately 20% in real terms, which naturally impacted our services to members. This year fees will rise by 5.5% allowing us to regain a little of the lost ground. 

From championing what our members do and the value they bring, to delivering an unparalleled CPD programme, to providing grassroots support through our Local Initiative Fund, we are proud of the work we do to advocate on behalf of our profession, and to provide the tools, knowledge and access that enable our members to perform at their best. 

RIBA has some exciting plans ahead, including our House of Architecture programme which will deliver investment in our collections, digital technology and the essential refurbishment of a key asset - our London headquarters. The funding for this programme is not linked to member fees as we have the ability to support this investment through a comprehensive funding programme including capital spend and fundraising, but we all stand to benefit. 

As a global network, our collective strength, expertise and reach has no equivalent. 2025 will see us take on more than ever before, to promote the value of architecture as a force for good.”    

Members will receive their subscription renewal letters and further information at the end of October 2024.

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