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RIBA celebrates Pride 2020

The Royal Institute of British Architects is supporting Pride, by bringing together our colleagues and members to celebrate our LGBTQ+ communities.

Building a supportive community – RIBA CEO, Alan Vallance

“The RIBA celebrates Pride annually - bringing together our colleagues and members to celebrate our LGBTQ+ communities. While much progress has been made in the workplace, research by Stonewall shows that discrimination persists. We encourage everyone within the architectural community and the wider built environment industry to recognise and celebrate the importance of creating inclusive and diverse spaces and workplaces.

“Since 2016 we have hosted the Architects’ London Pride Breakfast in collaboration with Architecture LGBT+ and the London Festival of Architecture. With our buildings closed, we’ve moved our Pride 2020 celebrations online. Taking the lead from the official Pride in London theme, allyship, we are asking colleagues and members to consider how they can be an ally to LGBTQ+ individuals in their communities.

“We are committed to supporting equality for all through leadership, influence, events and initiatives but we know there is more to do. Please do share your comments and ideas at".

RIBA celebrates Pride 2020

What is allyship?

To be an ally is to support, celebrate and show solidarity with marginalised communities. Pride in London outlines some of the ways in which we can all be an ally, particularly to Black, Asian and minority ethnic people (BAME) within LGBTQ+ communities who are disproportionately affected by discrimination. From calling out all forms of discrimination, to attending LGBTQ+ virtual events, to supporting LGBTQ+ owned business and organisations, there are many actions we can all take.

Take a look through the resources below.

How support networks within practices promote LGBTQ+ Pride

Architecture LGBT+ is a not for profit grassroots organisation, established in 2016 to provide a safe, inclusive and prejudice free environment for LGBT+ architects and those working and studying within the profession through networking events, learning, mentoring and role models. 

We spoke to the organisation’s Chair, Tom Guy, co-founder of Guy Piper Architects and Vice Chair Emily Rix, Partner at Foster and Partners, on why they established Architecture LGBT+ and the issues they work to address. 

Read How support networks within practices promote LGBTQ+ Pride.

The Architecture LGBT+ float at Pride 2019

Why planning and placemaking are LGBTQ+ issues

Ben Campkin is Professor of History and Theory of Architecture and Urbanism at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. Ben’s research seeks to investigate the processes, discourses, and impacts of urban change - with a current focus on queer space and night-time urbanism. We spoke to Ben about queer heritage in London and the wellbeing and cultural benefits these spaces have for LGBTQ+ communities, and how this is all too often overlooked when places are developed.

Read Why planning and placemaking are LGBTQ+ issues.

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern was London’s first LGBTQ+ building to be designated an Asset of Community Value (ACV)

RIBA Core CPD Curriculum includes Equality, Diversity and Inclusion course

We’re committed to ensuring all our members – students, educators, architects, employers – support and understand equality for all. Equality Diversity and Inclusion is part of the mandatory RIBA Core CPD Curriculum with sessions designed for both small and large organisations, focusing on implementing strategies and discussing initiatives for impact.

Further reading, resources and networks

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