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Gulf Chapter launches Mentor Minutes: Forging connections and building futures 2024

RIBA Gulf Chapter holds an evening of Mentor Minutes, where young architects met industry leaders for focused one-to-one conversations. Architect and design mentors were challenged to respond intuitively and impactfully, when put on the spot by mentees.

11 October 2024

What would you give for a brief conversation with a leading industry professional?

Imagine you had only ten minutes to ask a question that could shape your career - what would you ask? And more importantly, how would you respond when asked for your own insights?

These are the pivotal questions that defined Mentor Minutes, an initiative conceived by RIBA Chartered Architect Maya Cochrane, ARB and Treasurer of RIBA Gulf Chapter, in guided partnership with Bachelor of Architecture graduate and construction manager Mario Boles, supported by Andy Shaw RIBA Gulf Chapter Chair.

Held in September, at One Life Kitchen and Café in Dubai's Design District, Mentor Minutes provided an unparalleled and unique opportunity for architecture students and recent graduates to engage in face to face, unfiltered conversations with seasoned architects from world renowned practices. In the spontaneity and at the heart of Mentor Minutes, industry mentors were challenged to respond immediately, intuitively, and impactfully when put on the spot.

Mentor Ralf Steinhauer - RSP Architects with mentee

Making this event further unique, were the meaningful connections forged by all attendees. In a fast-paced format, over 45 mentors from practices such as Foster + Partners, Woods Bagot, P&T, RSP, Hopkins, Design Tomorrow, and Gensler - to name a few - shared key insights with over 75 mentees, ranging from aspiring students to practising architects.

In a digital age where personal attention is fractured by technology and online personas are curated, the event created honest conversations. How those ten minute mentoring moments occurred was entirely dependent on who happened to sitting across from you.

Whether they were ensconced in booths or around tables, plenty of 'super charged' conversations took place, and after ten short minutes, the mentees moved on to another great mind.

Beyond the exchange of professional advice, the real magic materialised in the moments in between the formal sessions, i.e. when mentors and mentees mingled, laughed, and reflected. It is often found to be these moments that are most rewarding and enriching.

Mentor Zaki Warith - Hopkins Architects with mentee

Meaningful mentorship early on in one’s career provides the confidence to forge relationships that advance careers. There are countless moments in an individual's professional journey when guidance from someone just a step ahead can make all the difference. In many cases, impactful mentorship does not necessarily require a long term, formal commitment, but rather a casual conversation by experienced architects willing to guide the next generation.

"Many mentees voiced concerns about limited opportunities and gaps in their academic training, feeling uncertain and worried about their career paths."
Christine Espinosa - Erlanda, Godwin Austen Johnson Architects (GAJ).

Routinely, there is a question mark on mentoring beneficiaries. Who gains more: the mentor or the mentee?

The truth is, mentorship is not a one way path; it is a reciprocal exchange, a shared journey where both parties learn, grow, and evolve. Architects and designers do not only design and create buildings; they shape the future of the profession by lifting others along the way and passing the baton to the next generation.

Mentor Ila Colombo - DEOND, with mentee

The creators of Mentor Minutes programme are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where young architects can connect with seasoned professionals, while emphasising the importance of bringing others along on the journey.

There is a strong social responsibility for collective efforts elevating the architecture and design industry – if the challenges ahead are to be met.

"This event not only emphasised career progression but also underscored the significance of supporting others along on the journey, ensuring that the architectural community continues to grow, innovate, and lift one another."
Mario Boles

Career advice was not the only topic that evening. The whole event encouraged the fostering of the RIBA Gulf community, creating opportunities for genuine human connection, and the realisation that mentoring is an essential part of an architectural/designers journey.

Mentoring discussions

RIBA Gulf Chapter created this opportunity, solely for spontaneous, honest, and meaningful exchanges, where both mentors and mentees could deep dive straight into impactful conversations - without the logistical challenges of a formal programme setting.

Mentees gained a burst of insightful perspectives, words of wisdom, a keen and listening ear, with tailored guidance. Stories told of lessons learnt, created excitement with quick fire dialoguing, on both a professional and holistic level.

What participants said

  • It was a pleasure to engage in ‘speed mentoring’ with so many talented young architects... truly nourishing for the soul.
    - Paolo Testolini, Woods Bagot Architects, RIBA Chartered Architect
  • This generation is not going to knock on doors and do this themselves. It is our obligation to do this for the next generation.
    - Mahmoud Shahin, P&T Architects & Engineers Ltd, RIBA Chartered Architect
  • I was a little tentative of how I could condense ten years of architecture experience into ten individually tailored Mentor Minutes. However, the event’s concept was truly inspiring and forward thinking way of encouraging fellow RIBA Members
    - Jamal Beckford, CRTKL, RIBA Chartered Architect
  • Your career does not have to be a ladder, going step by step towards a far off goal - which you may not even want any more once you get there. It is ok instead to go with the flow, find your own path and see where it leads you.
    - Andy Shaw, AMA Design, RIBA Gulf Chapter Chair, RIBA Chartered Architect
  • Know that it is not about asking any question, but asking the right questions, but most importantly listening.
    - Zeyana Khamis Al Aamri of AMA Desi

About RIBA Gulf

RIBA Gulf Chapter Committee is made up of 15 volunteer members from across the GCC.

This Chapter led programme is a key platform for the promotion and support of RIBA Members across the region. Sharing awareness, knowledge, skills and experiences results in the best way of promoting and showcasing the work and value of RIBA Members to the wider community.

Find out more

Find out more about events, opportunities and resources for members in the Gulf region.

Group image: mentors and mentees

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