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RSAW Review of the Year 2020

The Royal Society of Architects in Wales (RSAW) has published its Review of the Year 2020

23 April 2021

RSAW has published its review of the year for 2020. This review features key events and initiatives that have taken place in 2020, with words of welcome from RSAW President Ryan Stuckey and RSAW Director Elinor Weekley.

This review highlights the new and ambitious ways RSAW has adapted throughout 2020 to engage and support members throughout the pandemic and continue to deliver a series of events virtually.

Read the review here.

Mae RSAW wedi cyhoeddi eu adolygiad o'r flwyddyn ar gyfer 2020. Mae'r adolygiad hwn yn cynnwys digwyddiadau a mentrau allweddol a gynhaliwyd yn 2020, gyda geiriau o groeso gan Lywydd RSAW Ryan Stuckey a Chyfarwyddwr RSAW Elinor Weekley.

Mae'r adolygiad hwn yn tynnu sylw at y ffyrdd newydd ac uchelgeisiol y mae RSAW wedi addasu trwy gydol 2020 i ymgysylltu a chefnogi aelodau trwy gydol y pandemig a pharhau i ddarparu cyfres o ddigwyddiadau ar lein.

Darllenwch yr adolygiad.

Abstract image: House in North Wales, Martin Edwards architects, Photo: Max Creasy

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