We are pleased to announce that Touchstone 2022 will be published later this year and with it will be the 2022 edition of the Touchstone Directory. The directory is the only print publication where practices and sole practitioners are included under one list of architects operating in Wales; and registering your practice for the directory helps fund the continued publication of the journal.
Registration for the 2022 Touchstone Directory is now open. The RSAW is committed to keeping the registration cost as low as possible, with registration this year starting from £35 + VAT, with costs tiered based on practice size. If you would like for your practice to appear in this year’s directory, please download and complete the relevant form below and return via email to rsaw@riba.org.
The registration form also contains full details of pricing, however, if you have any questions about the directory or the journal itself, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Touchstone features:
- the Review and Directory are still the only print publication where practices in Wales are listed
- high-quality print material combining journal and directory sections which are circulated free of charge to a wide range of client bodies, including directors of health estates, university estates and facilities departments, local authority, and national park planning departments, key organisations in the construction industry and cultural sector. A copy is also sent to all Members of the Senedd
- listing of practice names is by nearest town, with a map showing major towns and a mini-guide to using an architect
- practices headed by a RIBA Chartered Member are welcome to register; RIBA Chartered Practices will be indicated, linking to a description of the additional commitments of the Chartered Practice scheme
- the Review will be available for distribution at RSAW exhibitions, schools careers presentations and Schools of Architecture events. Further copies will be available for the cover price of £10 plus packaging fee
If your practice was included in the 2021 Touchstone Directory, please complete and save the Returning Practice form. If your practice was not included in the 2021 Directory, please complete and save the New Practice form. Once completed, please return your form via email to rsaw@riba.org.