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Unlimited business support from specialists for RIBA Chartered Practices

We offer unlimited business support to our chartered practices via business specialists Croner. Find out how you can make the most of this benefit.

01 August 2019

Whether you’re working on your own, within a small or large practice, or starting up your own practice, making business decisions can be tough. Being an architect is hard work, you’re under constant pressure, facing restrictions, working to deadlines and this can be overwhelming. Add to this the complexities of making decisions relating to the business side of your work and it can be a struggle.

Therefore, the RIBA offer business support to our chartered practices in the form of Croner – a team of business support consultants. The service is accessed online or by telephone 24 hours a day, seven days a week covering the following areas:

  • Advice on law
  • Health & safety assistance
  • Commercial legal support
  • Tax matters
  • Access to monthly webinars and free business seminars

If you have a complicated issue that needs resolving or a quick business related question, you can use this service unlimited times as part of your chartered practice package. This is a fantastic benefit that we are proud to continue to offer to our members.

Member Paul McAneary RIBA, Paul McAneary Architects Ltd, said: “I run a club of young architectural practices, and we all rely on Croner [RIBA Business support line]. Sometimes you just need a two-second phone call to reassure you that you’re doing everything legally and having that helpful voice to point you in the right direction is great.

We would have been in real trouble a few times without them as we had no idea who to turn to... as part of our membership, it's amazing.

Once you’ve graduated you’ve spent so long in education, you don’t want to go back and study all these legal issues, so it’s great to have that taken care of."

Croner can also offer preferential rates on face to face appointments at your place of work, tailored software to suit your needs and employment support.

If you want further information on any of the above, you can speak to the Membership Development team at the RIBA or view the benefits of RIBA Chartered Practice membership.

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