In 2015 the RIBA signed up to the UN Global Compact (UNGC), signalling its commitment to sustainability and professionalism, both through its own work and through the work of its membership.
In becoming a signatory to the UNGC, the RIBA committed to support and further the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), tackling various issues including: human rights, labour laws, the environment and bribery/corruption.

Building on previous work, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Practice, the Ethics of Architectural Practice and the findings and recommendations of the Ethics and Sustainable Development Commission, these publications seek to drive forward the RIBA’s commitment to the SDGs and to call on the RIBA membership to come together to help accelerate progress towards achieving the goals by 2030, in this the ‘decade of action’.
‘A Decade of Action’ 2021 explores the findings of the second survey of UK RIBA Members, showing that the architectural profession is knowledgeable about sustainable development and committed to leading the necessary transformation of the built environment, but also showing that we have some way to go - more rapid annual progress is needed.