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Access Audit checklists

These checklists are to be used in conjunction with The Access Audit Handbook 3e by CAE.

The Access Audit Handbook is an indispensable tool for auditing the accessibility of buildings and services. This book offers straightforward advice about undertaking access audits and explains how they make buildings, environments, and services more inclusive.

Well established as the best resource for conducting access audits, the third edition of The Access Audit Handbook is fully up to date with the latest legal and technical standards as well as developments in equipment and building maintenance.

Order your copy of The Access Audit Handbook from RIBA Books.

The below checklists can be printed or photocopied for use on site, so that the pack can be used to audit a complex building or to audit any number of buildings. Individual checklists can be reproduced several times to record multiple elements of a particular feature, where necessary. For example, several copies of checklist 15 Seating may be required in a building with several different seating areas, particularly if each area differs significantly.

The checklists are intended as aides-memoire and may provide a useful way of carrying out as thorough an audit as possible. They also provide comprehensive source material for writing up an access audit report and/or talking through key recommendations with a client. Completed checklists do not in themselves constitute an access audit report.

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