Honesty, integrity and competence, as well as concern for others and for the environment, are the foundations of RIBA's three principles of professional conduct.
As part of their membership undertaking, Chartered Practices are bound by RIBA's Code of Practice for Chartered Practices.
The Code of Practice and Disciplinary Procedures were reviewed and overhauled during 2018. The new code came into effect on 1 May 2019. Since then, the Code and Disciplinary Rules have been updated to align with RIBA's updated Constitution. These amended documents were launched on 1 April 2021.
Complaints are handled in line with the Disciplinary Procedures/Rules which are in force at the time that the Formal Complaint is lodged with RIBA. The conduct of Chartered Practices is judged against the relevant Code of Practice which was in force at the time that the alleged conduct took place.
The Code of Practice is not only a tool for holding Chartered Practices to account in the event of a complaint against them, it is also a useful resource to assist practices in their day-to-day work and operation: providing information and guidance on key issues.
If you wish to make a complaint about a RIBA Chartered Practice, first consider contacting the practice directly to try and resolve the dispute. Also consider the alternative dispute resolution options available, including mediation, arbitration and adjudication.
Also, bear in mind that professional conduct complaints do not lead to the awarding of compensation or a financial settlement. Professional conduct cases examine the professionalism and conduct of the practice in question, investigating whether or not there has been a breach of the Code of Practice.
If your complaint is not about a Chartered Practice, but instead an individual RIBA Member, please see the Code of Professional Conduct.
For more information please contact: professional.standards@riba.org.
Read an overview of all recent public sanctions issued by RIBA Professional Conduct Panel.
For the 2019 Codes and Procedures, thanks must go, in particular, to Dr David Roberts, Ethics Fellow of The Bartlett Ethics Commission, for sharing his extensive research on codes within the built environment sector; The Edge, particularly for their work on Collaboration for Change, and Simon Foxell for his support, feedback and most recent publication – Professionalism for the Built Environment.