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Design Matters: Good Design Doesn't Cost the Earth

The fourth report in the Design Matters series highlights RIBA award winning sustainable buildings.

The built environment is responsible for almost 40% of global carbon emissions, and therefore has a significant role to play in tackling climate change.

Sustainability needs to be embedded into every single building from the outset – from strategy, through to technical delivery and use.

To do this, the RIBA has launched the 2030 Climate Challenge which calls upon all RIBA Chartered Practices to reach net zero whole life carbon for new and retrofitted buildings by 2030. It sets out specific targets for operational energy, embodied carbon and potable water usage for the next ten years.

When sustainability sits at the very core of a building, it’s not only the environment that wins; clients and users also benefit in ways ranging from cheaper energy bills to improved health.

‘Good Design Doesn’t Cost The Earth’ follows ‘Design Matters: RIBA Award Winning Homes’, 'Design Matters: Conservation, Modernisation, and Adaptation of Existing Buildings', and ‘Design Matters: Promoting Good Design Through the Planning System’. The case studies in this document highlight innovative, proactive measures that architects are taking across the UK to design sustainable buildings, built for the future.

We encourage everybody in the built environment to help tackle climate change by studying these examples carefully, learning from them, and helping to create a more-sustainable future.

Download our full report, or read more about these examples of sustainable building:

© Jack Hobhouse

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