January 2025
As 2025 begins, the profession's outlook for future work remains downbeat but is improving slowly. January's RIBA Workload Index rose three balance points to -2, following December's figure of -5.
Most regions have seen some improvement in outlook, with the capital becoming optimistic about future workloads.
The outlook for the housing sector has improved, but all other sectors have deteriorated.
About RIBA Future Trends
Launched as part of a suite of economy focused initiatives, the survey is completed monthly by a sample representing a cross section of members. The survey is focused on areas in which members may face potential difficulties, including workload, staff levels and work in specific sectors.
Monthly results are independently analysed to identify the employment and business trends affecting the profession and to help to identify implications for the profession and inform further RIBA activities.
The Future Trends survey was devised by the RIBA Research and Development and Practice departments and launched in January 2009. It is run in collaboration with The Fees Bureau, which conducts the surveys and analyses the data.
The reports for 2025 are available at the bottom of this page.
You can also view the 2024 Future Trends survey results.