Tokenism - what does it mean and how can we avoid it?
The J.E.D.I. talks (Just Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) are hosted by the RIBA North East ‘Change The Record’ campaign group.
The J.E.D.I. talks have become a popular platform for discussing issues faced by underrepresented groups in the profession. From exploring issues of discrimination such as sexism and racism, our talks have also covered the impact of the pandemic and flexible working. Ultimately, we want to feed into the wider work the RIBA is doing to create a more diverse and inclusive profession. We’re excited to announce what’s coming next.
Tokenism - what does it mean and how can we avoid it?
It’s time to talk about tokenism.
Tokenism: ‘the practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to do a particular thing’.
There are barriers to entry and progression in the architecture profession that particularly impact individuals from underrepresented and underrecgonised groups. All too often efforts made can be perceived as tokenistic. What does this look like and how can it be avoided to ensure there is real sustained action towards creating a more diverse and inclusive profession?
We want to learn from experience, hear your viewpoints, and be encouraged by those who champion and evidence real sustained action towards creating a more diverse and inclusive profession.
This will be a panel discussion where we’ll be hearing from students, architects and experts from across the construction industry - and will then open up to the floor for contributions.
Everyone is welcome to join our conversation. We endeavour to be a non-hierarchical, value driven group in pursuit of equity, diversity and inclusion in architecture. The discussions take place under Chatham House rules, to safeguard all who participate.
A zoom link will be sent 24 hours before the event.
(When booking in, please state clearly your name and place of work/university. For security reasons, any anonymous identities will not be able to participate).
Speakers to be confirmed.
This event is free and open to RIBA Members and non-members.