IMPORTANT Our London headquarters at 66 Portland Place has now reopened following the resolution of yesterday's water mains issue. Please check if events and services are running before travelling.
Talks and lectures

Humber Architectural Association - Lagoon Hull with Paul Hatley

Humber Architectural Association invite you to join them for an insightful online presentation by Paul Hatley, Project Director of Lagoon Hull.

Humber Architectural Association invite you to join them for an insightful online presentation by Paul Hatley, Project Director of Lagoon Hull.

Lagoon Hull is a once in a lifetime, single vision that is big and bold enough to change the Humber region’s future.

At first glance, Lagoon Hull is a ‘big road’ that breaks out from the A63 into the middle of the River Humber. But it’s so much more. The scheme has the potential to create 19,000 jobs, deliver real placemaking opportunities, protect against flooding, enable smart city development and add £1billion GVA to the local economy.