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© Ian Ritchie, Photo by Adam Scott
Talks and lectures

Designing with the mind in Mind and Music, a lecture by Ian Ritchie

Join the RIBA Somerset Branch for this in-person event, to hear from acclaimed architect Ian Ritchie and network with other professionals.

Join the RIBA Somerset branch for Designing with the mind in Mind and Music, an in-person lecture by Ian Ritchie.

Your ticket includes a place at the lecture and a canape reception with drinks before the talk.

Guest speaker Ian Ritchie will present an overview of the research and design approach to the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour at University College London and the Royal Academy of Music’s new opera and musical theatre and recital hall.

This illustrated talk will include short films and a hint at Ian Ritchie’s notion of non-linear beauty - a characteristic he tries to achieve in his practice’s architecture.

After the presentation, Ian will be available for a Q&A session.

Ian Ritchie, CBE RA, RIBA Hon, FRIAS Hon, FAIA Hon, FRAM

Ian is director of ritchie*studio, Royal Academician and member of the Akademie der Kunste. He is an Honorary Visiting Professor at Liverpool University and has advised academic, government and art institutions. He has chaired many international juries including the Stirling Prize and has received three major innovation awards - Robert Matthew Commonwealth Award, the French Académie d'Architecture Grand Silver Medal and Premio lnternazionale lschia di Architettura (PIDA). His practice has won more than 100 national and international awards. He has written many books and several international museums hold his art.