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North Wales Forum for Architects and Planners

RTPI Cymru and RSAW are launching a regular forum for architects and planners across the North Wales area.

North Wales Forum for Architects and Planners

RTPI Cymru and RSAW are launching a regular discussion and information sharing forum for architects and planners across the North Wales area.

For this session, we will focus on the implementation and impact of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).The format will be facilitated through group discussions, with an emphasis on working jointly to achieve positive resolutions. Contributors will include representatives from across the built environment sector to ensure the discussions encompass a broad range of viewpoints.

View details of the course programme and booking form.

Core Curriculum topics: 

  • legal, regulatory and statutory compliance
  • places, planning and communities

To book a place, please contact RSAW on 02920 228 987 or by emailing

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