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Green trees in a park frame a view to a street lined with sandstone buildings
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Talks and lectures

North Yorkshire Society of Architects- The new Local and Neighbourhood Plans

Join the North Yorkshire Society of Architects for an update on the North Yorkshire Local Plan and walk through the potential purpose of a Neighbourhood Plan for Harrogate.

The North Yorkshire Society of Architects (NYSA) is delighted to invite you to a thought-provoking presentation exploring the development of the North Yorkshire Local Plan and the potential creation of a Neighbourhood Plan for Harrogate.

With the establishment of North Yorkshire Council as a single unitary authority, a comprehensive new development plan is required to replace the existing individual Local Plans. Given the extensive area covered by the new authority, the upcoming North Yorkshire Local Plan is anticipated to take a more strategic approach, focusing on high-level policies. However, this shift raises important questions for towns like Harrogate, where the absence of detailed, locally specific policies—particularly those addressing key concerns such as design—could have a significant impact.

About the speaker

This engaging session will be delivered by Kathryn Jukes, founder of Directions Planning, who brings over a decade of experience in town planning. Kathryn specializes in planning applications, appeals, enforcement action, and land promotion across England. Her expertise lies not only in her deep understanding of planning systems but also in her problem-solving, presentation, and persuasive communication skills, which ensure effective and actionable insights for her clients and audiences alike.

During the presentation, Kathryn will provide an update on the progress and direction of the North Yorkshire Local Plan and discuss the potential purpose and benefits of developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Harrogate.