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RIBA East Midlands housing group: Lenton Gardens site visit

Join the RIBA East Midlands housing group site for a visit to the award-winning regeneration scheme, Lenton Gardens.

Recognised by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) as a leading housing development in the East Midlands region, and one which delivers exceptional design and architecture, Lenton Gardens is an award-winning regeneration scheme by JTP architects.

Lenton Gardens is part of a series of regeneration projects across Nottingham, where 1960s high-rise buildings were replaced by high quality homes for families and older people, to re-balance the mix in neighbourhoods dominated by student housing.

This site visit will be conducted by Clare San Martin, the original consultant for the scheme, and will provide an opportunity to see firsthand how the project has developed and hear about the Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE).

This event is open to both RIBA Members and non-members, architects in the region, trainees, and office staff with an interest in housing design.