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​Andy Marshall
Talks and lectures

RIBA North East Great British Buildings Talk & Tour Durham Cathedral Open Treasure

​Join us for an exclusive opportunity to hear more about this RIBA Award winning building. As part of this series of events showcasing 2018's Award winners, Durham Cathedral Open Treasure will host a talk and tour by Chris Cotton from Purcell Architects.

The works to Durham Cathedral are a subtle and elegant addition to the medieval, Grade I listed structure. Working with the Cathedral staff for over seven years the architects have created an inspiring visitor experience that celebrates the architecture of the building and showcases its historic collections by remodelling previously hidden spaces.

The sequence of spaces have been carefully adapted to create a range of environmental conditions that respond to the differing needs of the collection from medieval stonework and book collections through to Anglo-Saxon artefacts. The design seamlessly integrates historic features and modern interventions that include creative repair and conservation and adaptive re-use of the historic buildings.

The quality of the workmanship and detailing including delicate inclusion of lead framed secondary glazing enhances the performance of the structure without affecting its appearance. The joinery throughout and the subtle integration of new lighting and ventilation systems without visually impacting the historic structure reinforces an overall sense of accomplishment and skill.

This scheme has won a RIBA Regional Award, Regional Conservation Award, RIBA NE Building of the Year Award and RIBA National Award.

This event is part of our Great British Buildings series of talks and tours around the country.