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Image courtesy of Karakusevic Carson Architects
Talks and lectures

RIBA perspectives on architecture: revolutionary low-rise

Join us as Mike Althorpe and Abigail Batchelor discuss their RIBA funded research and published report into experimental low-rise housing.

Could a radical rethink of low-rise housing help successfully densify London’s suburbs? This panel discussion and report launch considers lessons from revolutionary projects in the UK, US and Europe.

Responding to calls for a more humane approach to urbanism and challenging the orthodoxy of high-rise, architects in the 1960s embraced low-rise, high density as an ethos to create innovative homes, while seeking to re-establish traditional patterns of community.

The UK led the way, offering alternative visions for urban living, which inspired a generation of projects across the world. Marking the publication of a new report supported by the RIBA Research Fund and Karakusevic Carson Architects, this event explores a radical period of experimental housing and discusses its legacy and lessons for London’s current drive to densify and develop its sprawling suburbs.

This talk will be followed by an audience Q&A.