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Skill Up: The Human Scale of Architecture

Join us this Easter holiday for a creative architecture workshop, aimed at young people aged 15 to 18. Led by architect Barbara Swierc, this four day workshop will explore all aspects of architectural design, and consider how navigating form, materials and function can enhance people’s connection with their environment.

About the course

Skill Up: The Human Scale of Architecture
Monday 6 April to Thursday 9 April 2020, 11am to 4pm, daily
For ages 15 to 18

How does architecture benefit our communities? What does it take to build places that promote health, wellbeing and happiness? Who decides on how our neighbourhoods are shaped and what role can we play in creating thriving public realms?

Join us on this workshop to turn the neglected pockets of London into culturally and socially inclusive hubs. Through collaborative research, drawing, model making and creative exercises, participants will gain experience of how to analyse, develop and communicate ideas for creating site-specific urban interventions. Over four days, we will explore all aspects of the design and consider how navigating form, materials and function can enhance people’s connection with their environment.

This creative architecture course is led by Barbara (Basia) Swierc from West Port Architects, aimed at young people aged 15 to 18 years.

About the Workshop Series

Our workshops and courses for ages 15 to 18 ‘skill up’ teenagers who are thinking about studying architecture or design. Participants think critically; share their views on architecture, and express themselves through creative practice.

In past workshops, participants have learnt how to:

  • work to an architectural brief
  • improve portfolios
  • develop architectural drawing skills using a variety of media, including digital drawing on iPads
  • develop photography skills
  • work individually and collaboratively to think about how to design sustainable and responsible architecture

Based in London - mainly at the RIBA HQ of 66 Portland Place - all participants must arrive by 11am. These workshops are led by professional educators and all materials are included in the ticket price, but lunch is not provided.

If you're under 18, tickets must be booked by a parent or guardian. Online booking in advance is essential, and if we do not receive full registration information in advance of the event, we cannot allow the participant to attend.

Some of our workshops involve a visit to an offsite location that is designed to enhance the learning experience and provide vital real-world context. Children are supervised by RIBA staff and volunteers at all times during such visits, and location information is provided in advance.

Workshop Costs

  • £200 excluding booking fee
  • £150 for participants who qualify for free school lunch. (Proof required)

To see other learning workshops taking place in this series, see our young people page.