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​Image: Craig Auckland
Talks and lectures

Passivhaus: rewards and challenges in social housing

​​CIBSE and RIBA South West join together to host a thought-provoking debate from a panel of industry experts on the rewards and challenges of using Passivhaus in social housing.

In June 2018, Housing Secretary James Brokenshire announced government will invest £1.67bn in delivering 23,000 affordable homes, with at least 12,500 to be social housing, by the end of 2022.

In consideration of the UK’s ongoing commitment for sustainability, energy efficiency and issues surrounding fuel poverty; a number of local authorities, housing associations and developers have undertaken the challenge to develop low-energy housing, through the design, construction and ongoing maintenance and operation of Passivhaus social housing schemes.

It has been raised by many in the built environment that the successful implementation of Passivhaus involves high level of engagement and understanding of the building operation by its habitants - so as we embark on the task of developing social housing to meet the commitments, is Passivhaus the right solution?

The CIBSE and RIBA South West join together to host a thought-provoking debate, with the aim to respond to this question. A panel of industry experts will address the key debate issue of Passivhaus in social housing.

We welcome speakers from:

Emma Osmundsen – Exeter City Council
Thomas Gaertner - SE3Design
Ulrike Macceriello – Hastoe Housing
Ann-Marie Fallon– Architype
Chair – Bill Gething

We hope to see you at our event.

Ticket prices

  • RIBA Member - Free
  • RIBA Student Member - Free
  • RIBA Friend & Non-Member - £6.00

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