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Talks and lectures

SSA Autumn Lecture Series: Sheila O'Donnell and John Tumoey's current projects

The final event in our three part series features Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey from O'Donnell + Tuomey, described as one of "the godfathers of contemporary Irish architecture" and awarded the RIBA Gold Medal in 2015.

The final event of the 2019 Shropshire Society of Architects Lecture series features Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey from O'Donnell + Tuomey as they discuss current projects and educational and public buildings at home and abroad.

O'Donnell + Tuomey were established in Dublin in 1988 and have been described by Architecture Today as one of "the godfathers of contemporary Irish architecture". They have been shortlisted for the Stirling Prize on a record five occasions and received the 2015 RIBA Gold Medal, the world's most prestigious architecture prize.

Their projects include the Lyric Theatre in Belfast (2011), the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre at the London School of Economics (2014), and the forthcoming expansion of the Victoria and Albert Museum at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in east London.

This series is kindly sponsored by EH Smith Architectural Clays Products.

Anyone who wishes to join SSA members and guests for supper following the talks are very welcome to do so. This is a great opportunity to reflect on the content of the talk and have a chat with the speaker.

Tickets for this event will be sold on the door.