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Future Place

Future Place copyright  Nerea Bermejo Olaizola

Future Place - unlocking the potential of places

Future Place is a programme which unlocks placemaking potential at a local level. Through interdisciplinary expert advice and capacity building, the programme supports innovative design solutions, delivery models and collaboration.

Future Place is delivered in partnership between the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Local Government Association (LGA) with Local PartnershipsHomes England, Historic England, the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), focusing the resources and knowhow of these organisations to advance future thinking on regeneration and placemaking.

Five Future Places were selected to participate in the 2019 programme. Benefiting from Partner input, they were able to accelerate the resolution of local regeneration challenges and unlock transformational change. Lessons learned from those projects are available to local authorities and placemaking practitioners through a project report and detailed case studies (please see below).

In 2020, Future Place is exploring how economic regeneration and placemaking can help build back better after the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a series of blogs and panel discussions, the programme homes in on the role played by ‘place’ in the well-being of communities and the economic performance of towns and cities. 


Future Place latest blogs


The role of place in a post-coronavirus world

This blog post from Frederik Weissenborn, RIBA Future Place Programme Manager, explores how the built environment sector can begin planning for the recovery after the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Taking 'place' as the starting point for its reflections, the post sets out a proactive vision for the sector.

Launch: Future Place 'Rethink' Blog Series

This post launches the Future Place 'Rethink' blog series and sets out some of its main themes.

Healthy placemaking after COVID-19

This blog explores the relationship between planning and public health after COVID-19.

Leading communities to transform places

This blog post by Simon Bandy, Strategy Director with Local Partnerships, sets out strategies for how to lead communities to transform places.

The importance of historic character in regenerating high streets

This blog post by Owain Lloyd-James, Head of Places Strategy at Historic England, discusses the importance of historic character in regenerating high streets

The role of meanwhile-use spaces to the post-coronavirus recovery

This blog post by Nicolas Bosetti, Research Manager at Centre for London, explores the role of meanwhile-use spaces in the post-coronavirus recovery

The importance of social value to placemaking and well-being

This blog post by Sophia Cox, Sustainability Adviser at UKGBC, discusses the importance of social value in placemaking

The role of inclusive design, placemaking and philanthropy in the post-coronavirus recovery

This blog post by Maria Adebowale-Schwarte, CEO at Foundation for Future London, explores the role of inclusive design, placemaking and philanthropy in the post-coronavirus recovery

From community engagement to community resilience

This blog post by Akil Scafe-Smith, Head of Design with RESOLVE Collective, sets out strategies for how to design and build community resilience.

Places for the future

This blog post by Ben Derbyshire - Chair HTA Design, Historic England Commissioner, Immediate Past President RIBA - discusses placemaking in the context of planning reform.

Property Market Innovation

This blog post by Gail Mayhew, Building Better Building Beautiful Commissioner and co-founder of the Stewardship Initiative, sets out strategies for how to develop quality places at scale.

Designing a walkable city

This blog post by Naomi Rubbra, Co-founder of People Matter Architects, sets out strategies for how to design a walkable city.

Get in touch

For any questions or more information about Future Place, please send us an email

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